Let's Chit Chat

Hi. I'm Pam. I don't love to cook but like to eat and to serve simple comfort food like my mom used to make. I'm especially partial to recipes that are big hits with families or at parties so read on for great ideas, cooking tips and recipes.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lasagne that is Simpler than Simple

The gals at Curves were discussing this recipe and it came out great. The prep time is 5 minutes which is unheard of for real lasagne and the results of this faux lasagne are just as good. It is also easy to modify based on personal preference. Here's how I did it:

Lasagne (faux lasagne) Ingredients:
1 Two pound bag of frozen ravioli
1 jar spaghetti sauce
16 oz. shredded mozzarella cheese
1 pound cooked ground chuck

Instructions for Faux Lasagne:
Cook ravioli according to instructions on the bag. (The type I used cooked at 400 for 40 minutes). Once the ravioli is cooked, layer sauce, cooked ravioli, hamburger, cheese, cooked ravioli, cheese. Cook at 400 for 30 minutes covered and then 10 minutes uncovered.

Sherry made it with an extra 8 oz. of cheese because she likes hers extra cheesy and she didn't put in any hamburger. Some of the other gals thought some slivered vegetables added to the sauce would add a healthy flare. Whatever your preference, go for it since the main part is this easy! Bon Appetit.

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